Weight Loss: Christmas Survival Guide

Weight Loss: Xmas Survival Guide

It’s that time of year again – temptation is everywhere. Christmas markets, office parties, cosy evenings baking cookies, and endless dinners to squeeze in just one last catch-up before everyone disappears for the holidays.⁠ It’s a lot, and without a plan, things can quickly go sideways for your resolutions and goals.

A 2019 survey found that 40% of people gain weight over Christmas, with an average increase of almost 3 kilograms. Those aged 35–54 had it the hardest, gaining the most weight over the festive season.

And here’s the kicker: according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, it takes about five months for the average person to shed their holiday weight and return to their pre-festive season weight.⁠ Scary, right? But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s how to navigate the festive season without sabotaging yourself:

1. Planning, Planning, Planning

Be prepared and think ahead. Check the Christmas menu before you arrive, and decide what to eat ahead of time. Offer to bring a healthy side dish, like roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic and almonds, or a light dessert like a fruit salad with a dollop of cinnamon yogurt. Not only will you have a safe choice, but others will likely appreciate the lighter option too.

2. Don’t Show Up Hungry

Ever heard the phrase “never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach”? The same goes for Christmas parties. When you’re starving, self-control flies out the window. Eat a small protein-packed snack before you head out – like a boiled egg, a handful of nuts, or some Greek yogurt – to keep hunger in check.

3. Go Easy on Alcohol

Alcohol not only adds empty calories but also slows down your metabolism by up to 70% for 24 hours. Decide which events are worth indulging in and which ones are better alcohol-free. If you’ve got five dinners lined up like me, choose a couple where you’ll sip sparkling water with a festive twist, like fresh mint or pomegranate seeds.

4. Make Water Your Best Friend

Hydration is key. Start your day with a glass of water, and alternate alcoholic drinks with water at events to pace yourself. Staying hydrated also helps reduce bloating and prevents your body from confusing thirst for hunger. For an extra festive touch, try herbal infusions with peppermint or ginger to support digestion.

5. Be Smart About Your Plate

Fill half your plate with vegetables, one-quarter with protein, and leave the remaining quarter for carbs or indulgences. Starting with the veggies helps curb your appetite for heavier dishes. Go for roasted or steamed veggies over creamed ones and remember – just because there’s food left doesn’t mean you need to finish it.

6. Eat Mindfully

Christmas is a time to celebrate, not rush through meals. Chew slowly, savour each bite, and put your fork down between bites to enjoy the flavours. This not only helps with digestion but also signals to your brain when you’re full – before you hit the food coma stage.

7. Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Finally, let’s not forget the point of all this: joy, connection, and celebration. Food is part of the season, but it’s not the whole story. Laugh, enjoy the people around you, and soak in the memories.

Want even more tips? Sign up for my Healthy Holidays Workshop and discover how to navigate the festive season without regrets – from avoiding hangovers to keeping your goals in check while still having fun.

This year, let’s make Christmas about feeling good, inside and out.

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