Despite all the hard work and dedication that goes towards losing weight, many people end up gaining it back. This is...
Mindset Articles
The psychology of weight loss: the invaluable role of accountability
Accountability can be leveraged as a powerful tool to achieve your goals. It provides responsibility for your actions...
Why diets don’t work – Their harmful impact on your body
My life used to be dominated by diets. They always seemed the perfect answer to quickly shed a few kilos. Each new...
The Real Reason You Are Fat
We can waste a lot of energy trying to correct a problem that is not the real problem, like being overweight. You can...
Don’t should all over yourself
I listened to Brad Stulberg on the Rich Roll Podcast, and I loved what Brad said about using "should". He said it in a funny way: "Don't should all over yourself. When you catch yourself shoulding, ask yourself, can you replace it with a wish or a want? And if the...
Emotional Eating – When you Eat Your Feelings
Emotional eating is one of the top causes of overweight. Being aware of your feelings is a first step toward being in control. Why is it that certain emotions can trigger a binge? Let's start with the number 1 emotion associated with poor food choices - being bored....